Office Hours 8:30am - 4:30pm
Monday to Friday.
Closed weekends and STAT holidays
Telephone. 1.306.808.0340
Fax. 1.306.667.4066
Welcome to Broadway Obstetrics & Gynecology

We are eight Physicians who are passionate about women's health and caring for our patients.
Anita Harding, MBChB, BSc. Hons. Pharm., FRCSC
Lexy Regush, MD, FRCSC
Afton Sielski, MD, FRCSC
Nerissa Tyson, BSc, MD, FRCSC
Susan Auvinen, MD, FRCSC
Almereau Prollius MBChB, MMED(O&G), FCOG(SA), FRCSC
Lindsey Broberg, MD, FRCSC
Kaitlyn Mayerle, MD, FRCSC

Online Booking
Online Booking for current patients.

Information about Lab locations and opening times.

Broadway Obstetrics & Gynecology
Unit 101-611 University DR
Saskatoon, SK
S7N 3Z1

Info about the hospitals we work out of.

New Referrals
We provide a full range of comprehensive women’s health and maternity care. We see women of all ages from across the province by referral from your family physician.

For Patients already referred.
For unplanned pregnancy options, women can self-refer.

Patient Info
Helpful links.